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Please note: Private retreats are extremely limited and cost between $7,000-12,000 USD per person
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The Buena Vida and Sol Medicine does not supply, manufacture, distribute or condone the use of any illegal substances. We do not give out, supply or sell any specific substance. The goal of Sol Medicine Retreats is to plan, organize and produce healing retreats. We facilitate access to trained, indigenous shamans who work with sacred plant medicines within an accepted, sacramental and ceremonial context. The shamans personally evaluate each guests’ needs and work strictly within the laws of their training and all local and national laws where the retreats will take place. We do not guarantee any results or outcomes, specific medicine usage, etc. Each participant is responsible for informing themselves about possible pharmaceutical drug contraindications, including but not limited to SSRI and other stabilizing medication. They assume all responsibility for due diligence required for their participation. For more information and additional resources, email